In Association with Encylopedia of Animals turtle
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turtleTurtle Reptile belonging to the (Chelonia) order , they have a strong armor like Shell , sharp , toothless jaws. The shell bony plates fused together with ribs and vertebrae then overlaid with horny Shields. The upper portion called the carapace cuff and the lower called the plastron are both joined together. Most sea turtles have a reduced shell, and other species like a box turtle, can completely enclose the openings.

The terrestrial turtles have stump like feet , while the freshwater species have paddle like limbs with no distant toes. Turtles feed on, worms , insects , and shellfish, fish , and some plants. All turtles lay eggs, ocean going turtles return to land at egg laying time. In the United States most common small turtles are the painted, spotted, musk slider, and mud turtles.

Turtles are commonly sold as pets and the most common is the young saliva, map, and troost's turtles. Feeding them bits of chopped beef, fish, or worms. Painting the shells is harmful. In the southeast United States the alligator snapper is the largest freshwater species in the country. Being completely aquatic , it also has powerful jaws that are dangerous. The leatherback turtle is the largest of the species with an average adult weighing over a 1000 lbs .

The marine green turtle is a common source for turtle soup and canned turtle meat, many different kinds are eaten, including the brackish water diamondback. The name terrapin is commonly applied to freshwater turtles and the name tortoise to terrestrial forms.

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